About Me

Hi Everyone!

For those of you that don’t know me, let me make an introduction.  I’m Cassandra.  Prior March 2018 I was living the dream as a government professional in Washington DC.  I had a good career, and great friends and family, but wanted to experience more beyond the walls of my office and the screen of my computer.  Fast forward a few months and I quit my job to travel the world.  It took me awhile to make the decision, but from the moment I resigned I knew it was the right one for me.  Life is too short and there’s so much to see and experience!

My travels began in Latin and South America in April of 2018.  Over the next year I’ll be stopping in all the major continents aside from Antartica.  I’ll keep this adventure (and this blog) going until I get too tired or too broke to continue.  In the meantime, I welcome everyone to take a read though my travel adventures, frustrations, happy accidents, language mishaps, tips and suggestions.  Don’t be shy and drop a line if you want to connect or provide some feedback or suggestions.

I also hope that reading my blog might give a few people just a little more courage to take some risks in their own life and have an adventure.  I know from experience that it’s all to easy to get caught up in routine and comfort.  While that’s great for some people, it’s not meant for everyone.  Therefore my hope is that you are all lucky enough (and care about yourself enough) to get the chance and the guts to enjoy the things that make you happy.  Whatever that means for you!


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